Twelve members of the Home Guard traveled to London to participate in the Victory March on June 8th. 1946
marking the end of W.W.II hostilities.
It was first decided by Lieutenant Colonel Jack Turner, C.B.E., M.C., Officer Commanding the Forestry Unit, that a detachment of twelve men from the Forestry Unit would take part in the Victory March on 8th. June, 1946. Major Curran, second in command of the Unit, was appointed to select the men for this Parade, subject to the approval of the Officer-in-Charge Forestry Unit.
Major Brendan Davis, Lieutenant John Mercer, 2nd. Lieutenant Jack Power,
2d.Lieutenant Ivan Shea, C.Q.M.S. Ken Crowell, Sergeant Louis Coloumbe, Sergeant Larry Ryan, Corporal Steve Pike
Corporal Jack Barker, Corporal Pat Moriarty, Private Ray Tilley, Private William Bennett
As this was a very special parade and as all were most anxious to attain a high degree of perfection, it was decided that special training in arms drill and marching should commence and for that purpose the Officer Commanding 24 Command R.E.M.E. Workshops, by request, place a drill instructor at our disposal, and a considerable amount of training was put in at Carrbridge prior to going to London. Reservations were made for two compartments for the journey to London, the detachment entrained at Aviemore on Sunday, 2nd. June, and after a very pleasant journey detrained at London on 3d.June. Having arrived in London, the detachment proceeded to the Trade
Commissioners Office, 58 Victoria Street, where they were met by Colonel Turner and where they were given cigarettes, socks and sweaters. After lunching at a restaurant quite near the office they proceeded to "D" Lines, Kensington Gardens, where they were to be accommodated for the duration of their stay in London.
It was a vast encampment but we quickly settled down and by early evening of Monday, 3d. June, having been issued with camp equipment and dress for the Victory March, all were quite happy in their new environment. Everybody was free to do as they wished in the evenings and as there were troops from all the Allies and the whole Empire, full advantage was taken of the opportunity to wander about the camp and chat with our gallant comrades from other countries.
Every facility for the comfort of troops was provided and this immense administrative task was allotted to the Brigade of Guards. Marshaling Officers were attached to each individual Contingent and were most courteous and helpful to everybody. The food was excellent and there was abundance. In each camp lines, one found canteens both wet and dry; Welfare tents where various tours were arranged; Post Office, Public Telephones, both for UK and overseas calls; Currency Exchange service; medical and dental services; shower baths and, in fact, part of the serpentine boarding "D" lines was reserved for swimming; tailors, hairdressers, boot repairers, were also laid on.
So much for the good things which, unfortunately, must meantime come to an end and now we come to the hard part of it, i.e. training preparatory to the march and the Victory March itself. Commencing on Tuesday, 4th. June, a Drill Sergeant (C.S.M.) Irish Guards, put us through our paces on the Parade Ground and from then until Friday, the day preceding the Victory March, an average of three hours a day was punched in doing drill. The whole contingent, although at times feeling a bit browned off from such rigid exercise, always realized that they had a great reputation to live up to and spared no effort to attain the highest standard of efficiency. Throughout the short period of drill all acted, and one may say felt, like Guardsmen.
On Saturday, 8th.June, the great day having arrived the whole contingent was on Parade spit and polish at 8:35am. After an inspection by the O/C, we were marched off to the starting point at Tyburn Gates, the two most westerly gates out of Hyde Park at the Marble Arch. The head of the marching column passed this starting point at 1035 hours.
The route for the Marching Column was as follows:
Hyde Park: 1035 hours
Marble Arch
Oxford Street
Charing Cross Road 1058 hours
Trafalgar Square 1108 hours
Northumberland Avenue
Parliament Square (arr.) 1125 hours
Parliament Square (del) 1145 hours
The Mall
Constitution Hill
Hyde Park Corner 1213 hours
Hyde Park 1215 hours
The portion of the route from Parliament Square to Hyde Park Corner was common to both Mechanized Column and Marching Column. The only part of the lined by troops was from the junction Whitehall and Trafalgar Square along the Mall to just past Buckingham Palace in Constitution Hill. Literally millions of people lined the entire route waving flags and shouting greetings as we passed by. Assistance to the police in keeping the route clear was given by Army and R.A.P. at certain key points. All contingents marched in ranks of twelve abreast at 116 paces to the minute by the centre except between Admiralty Arch and Buckingham Palace when contingents marched by the left. All along Oxford Street and New Oxford Street, however, the number of islands necessitated marching continuously in two halves of six.
The colours were carried by a Naval Officer accompanied by an Army Officer and an R.A.F. Officer. Major Sheppard, M.B.E., was Officer in Charge and marched alone at the head of the contingent. The Foresters made up the first rank with Major Black forming the left file; the Navy consisting of seven ratings formed the centre rank and the rear rank was made up of Army and R.A.F. with Major Davis forming the left file.
The saluting point was in the Mall opposite Marlborough Gate and the command given at this point was "Eyes Left". Two bands of the Brigade of Guards were stationed immediately opposite the Saluting Point and played all troops past His Majesty. On the Saluting Base also was Her Majesty the Queen, Their Royal Highnesses Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret and Queen Mary. Also directly underneath the Saluting Base and on either side were Chiefs of Staff and Supreme Commanders and Dominions and U.K. Prime Ministers, not forgetting Mr. Winston Churchill who was very much in the forefront. Various other important personages from all over the
world were also at the Saluting Point.
All troops marched to attention along the whole route ( which I think was somewhere about six or seven miles from start to finish). Rifles were carried at the slope by our contingent and arms were not changes once, which is definitely a record. It was learned afterwards that some contingents changed arms ten times during the march. The only compliments paid during the march were on passing the Cenotaph in Whitehall and when passing the Saluting Point on the Mall, when the appropriate commands were given.
On arrival back in our lines at Kensington gardens, the Contingent was complimented by Major Sheppard on their performance and before dismissing us he announced that Mr. Reg Harvey Had very kindly arranged with the N.A.A.F.I. to supply us with and eighteen gallon barrel of beer and two hundred cigarettes per man. At night, London was floodlit and it was indeed a wonderful spectacle. The whole thing was so wonderful that one could never attempt to describe it.
Organized celebrations commenced immediately after the Parade and continued until after midnight. Buckingham Palace was completely ablaze with floodlighting and was the centre of attraction for everybody. One joined the mass at the Admiralty Arch and all up the Mall to and beyond Buckingham Palace was a solid block of people. The Royal Family cam on to the balcony at Buckingham Palace at 10.00pm and again at midnight; the applause was terrific.
After the Parade, some of us traversed the route over which we had marched and as we were particularly interested in the section known as the Mall from the Admiralty Arch to Buckingham Palace, we walked along here taking note of the various flags on either side and to our surprise we discovered that the good old Newfoundland Flag had a most honoured position, as it was flying in all its splendour nearest to the Union Jack at the Saluting Base on His Majesty's right. On the left it was noted that the flag of Soviet Russia was nearest the Saluting Base.
On Wednesday, 5th.June, an informal inspection of all the Dominion and Colonial Troops by the King, Queen and Royal Princesses took place in Kensington Gardens. The troops were spread out in such a way to give everyone a good view of Their Majesties. The position of the Newfoundland Contingent was at the end of the lines and this afforded us a splendid opportunity of watching Their Majesties as they slowly moves towards us. The King came down on the right side of the drive and the Queen on the left, both stopping here and there to speak to the troops, while the Princesses walked down the centre of the drive smiling and looking very charming. It was a great moment in our lives when finally Their Majesties cam into our lines. Mr. Murphy, acting trade commissioner for Newfoundland and Major Sheppard M.B.E.,Officer in Charge of the Contingent were presented to the King and Queen and Royal Princesses; Major Black, Major Davis and 2nd. Lieutenant Shea were presented to the Queen; The King spoke to Lieutenant Mercer and Lieutenant Garland, R.N. The King was very much interested in the Forestry Badge and commented upon it. Rear Admiral Sir Arthur Bromley accompanied the Royal Family and put the Forestry Unit very much in the forefront. After the inspection Their Majesties back through the lines waving and smiling as they passed by.
On the 6th.June, Dominion and Colonial Troops were invited to a Victory Garden Party given by H.Q.Eastern Command where we met and shook hands with General Sir Oliver Lees and wife. The troops were comfortably seated in a huge tent where the stage was effectively decorated by flags from the different Dominions. The programme opened up with the Trumpeters of the Royal Artillery followed by music and Highland Dancing by the Pipers of the Scots Guards. Then came Ellen Lauder, "Scotland's Gift to Variety." Next the Beverly Sisters, the famous broadcasting trio, followed by Bonar Colleno and Frances Day. Community Singing by the choir of the Royal Netherlands Forces, accompanied by pipes and drums brought the indoor part of the programme to a close. Between five and six o'clock, tea was served on the lawn. After tea, we were treated to a circus performance by two of the world's most wonderful riders, Mroozkowski and Hoarce, with their magnificent Arab Stallions; also Margaret and Clown George, bareback riding, from Chessington Zoo and Circus. The afternoon was brought to a successful conclusion by a retreat played by the Coldstream Guards and the Pipers of the Scots Guards.
On Friday, 7th.June, the Newfoundland Office in London extended invitations to the Contingent to attend a luncheon in Stewart's Restaurant. The party was received by Mr. Murphy, Acting Trade Commissioner for Newfoundland, and Commander Ryan, R.N. Before the luncheon we were treated to refreshment and introductions were made all round.
Mr. Murphy, acting as Chairman at the Luncheon, in a very able and jovial manner welcomed everybody present. Rev. Dr. Foley then addressed the gathering and referred to the exploits of all three services and the Forestry Unit during the war.
Mr. Wilde, Minister for Finance in the Commission of Government, then spoke and praised the work of the services and the Forestry Unit and told everybody that everything was being done back home to improve conditions in Newfoundland. Major Sheppard, Officer Commanding the Contingent, gave a brief outline of his branch of the service and referred to his old comrades of the last war as well as this. He apologized for not knowing more about the Forestry boys but joined with the preceding in
extending thanks for all the good work they had accomplished.
Finally, Lieutenant Jack Mercer of the Forestry Unit was called upon by the Chairman to say a few words. Mr. Mercer thanked all present for organizing such a wonderful luncheon and expressed his pleasure at being present.
On Friday, 7th.June, a motor coach conveyed the men from Kensington Gardens to the Houses of Parliament. Luncheon was served, after which they were conducted through the various historic rooms and lobbies. They were given the opportunity of visiting for a short while the House of Lords where they listened with great interest to the subject under discussion. Before leaving, some of the men had the pleasure of meeting Lady Megan Lloyd George and of seeing Mr. Bevin and other
members of the Cabinet.
The opportunity of visiting the zoo was also taken, where an enjoyable and very interesting couple of hours were spent. A visit to Madame Tussaud's Wax Works provided another interesting evening. Life-like wax models of personnel dating back from many years ago to the present day were very impressive.
Invitation from the BBC were extended to the men to attend a Variety Bank Box Concert, under Conductor Ray Jenkins, at the Camberwell Palace Theater on June 9th. Many availed themselves of the opportunity of seeing the concert which they thoroughly enjoyed.
Arrangements were made by Miss Margot Davies, M.B.E., Newfoundland Office, Victoria Street, for the Foresters to send greetings messages to their parents and relatives at home. We are extremely grateful to Miss Davies for making all the arrangements and we are also most grateful to Miss Peggie Broadhead of the North American Service B.B.C. to whose credit we owe success of the transmission.
The above narrative and picture were provided to us by Larry Gladney of Clarenville, and we do not know the writers name at this time

Major Brendan Davis, Lieutenant John Mercer, 2nd. Lieutenant Jack Power, 2d.Lieutenant Ivan Shea, C.Q.M.S. Ken Crowell, Sergeant Louis Coloumbe, Sergeant Larry Ryan, Corporal Steve Pike Corporal Jack Barker, Corporal Pat Moriarty, Private Ray Tilley, Private William Bennett