Member of Carrbridge Camp Dies

Newfoundland Young Man Was Victim of Meningitis

A ceremony as touching as it was simple was  enacted  in  Carrbridge churchyard, Thursday, March 20th. An 18-year-old Newfoundlander who
had travelled hundreds of miles across land and sea to help the Motherland in her war effort, was laid to rest in the quiet countryside, in the presence of his many colleagues. Deceased Jonathan Feltham was one of the youngest and most popular members of the camp. He was the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Felthamof Glovertown, Newfoundland. Mr. Feltham had been in the best of health but took ill suddenly a week prior to his death. He was removed to Culduthil Hospital, Inverness, three days later, where his condition became more serious and, despite the efforts of the doctor, passed away early Monday evening as the result of meningitis. Feltham, like many other youths from Newfoundland, was only too willing to give his services to his country in this time of need, and when the call came for these sturdy men of the back woods to travel from their own country to the Motherland, he was one of the many of his kind who volunteered for work of vital importance overseas. On a day in January of this year he set sail from his country of birth never doubting for a moment that it would be his last glimpse of the land of the people he had known. His heart was set on the task before him, and on February 9th. he landed on Scottish soil at the port of Glasgow. On the same boat was his uncle, they had crossed the ocean together. He is survived by his father and mother, two brothers and three sisters. Many of the several hundreds of colleagues who worked by his side attended the funeral, which took place from Carrbridge Free Church, to pay last tribute. The service at the church and graveside was conducted by Rev. W.R. MacKay. Included among the floral tributes were tokens of sympathy from Captain J. Turner,M.C.O.B.E. officer commanding the Newfoundland Forestry Unit; Mr.J.M.Curran, Superindendant; and staff of the Carrbridge Newfoundland Forestry Unit.
Wm. (Henry) Feltham (uncle)
Steven Pike
Victor Roach
Edgar Fifield
Lawrence Cheater
Wesley Sparkes
William Welsh
all from Newfoundland
( from the Inverness Journal)
provided by Ivy Levoy (sister) 
Jonathan Feltham burial at Carrbridge         
March 28, 1940
Uncle Henry Feltham (14770)
& family