On July 17, 1940 Max and three other Foresters were travelling from Grantown to Carrbridge in a taxi driven by Johnny Ferguson of Carrbridge. Max was sitting in the middle of the back seat with a Forester on each side with the other Forester in the front passenger seat.
At 2210 hrs Mervin Pond, was returning to Camp by bicycle and was challenged by three British soldiers who stepped from the woods. After he established his identity he was allowed to pass.
Approximately 10 minutes later at 2220 hrs Johnny Ferguson's taxi arrived at the same spot. This was during blackout conditions, when just very dim lights were allowed on vehicles, just enough to see the vehicle approaching, but not enough for the driver to see anything. The Foresters and Taxi driver said they were singing and didn't see the soldiers or hear them shout "HALT". One of the soldiers shot at the rear of the taxi hitting Max in the back of the head. This happened during the period when an invasion of Britian was expected
Max is buried in Carrbridge and has a headstone that was placed by the Foresters. The people of Carrbridge maintain the gravesite.

Max Hawkins (1480) of Glovertown